ECIDA: Some companies showing interest

Published 6:55 am Wednesday, January 8, 2003

By By ROBERT BLANKENSHIP – Managing Editor
Marshall Rogers and others at the Escambia County Industrial Development Authority were busy through most of 2002 speaking with companies and promoting the county as a possible location for a Hyundai tier one spinoff company. While some interest has been shown, there is no indication that any company has chosen Escambia County as its location.
Rogers, executive director of ECIDA, said several companies have been in contact with her office to obtain information about the area. She also said that a property in the Atmore area has been visited by officials of one company. But, she said her office has not been contacted in regard to any decisions that these companies may have made and that no announcements are scheduled as of Tuesday.
It was reported by The Birmingham News last week that an engine manufacturing plant may be looking to locate in Escambia County.
There is also some speculation of another automotive plant being located near Atmore. Rogers said it is possible that some companies are looking, but are not revealing their name which is a common practice.
Despite having no confirmations, Rogers said there is still plenty to be optimistic about. She said most tier one companies have not made announcements yet for a variety of reasons.
Rogers said once tier one companies finalize their contracts with Hyundai and begin making announcements that tier two companies would begin scouting for possible locations.
Rogers added that properties in Brewton are also being promoted to companies.
Rogers added that while there has been no confirmation from tier one companies that she is still very optimistic.

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