Billy should know what to expect as county's DA
Published 5:22 pm Monday, June 7, 2004
By Staff
Seeking high public office is not something to be taken lightly. Before a person becomes a candidate, he or she must put a lot of thought into what the job they want will actually require of them. Serving in many elected capacities can take significant amounts of time away from things that might be more enjoyable, and ultimately more rewarding.
That's because not every job in public life can simply be left at the office when the clock strikes five Monday through Friday. Few of them can. There are long hard hours each day, which often spill over into long hard hours in the evening and on weekends. And there are thousands of people to answer to, many of whom won't think twice about calling you at home, maybe even showing up on your doorstep if something is important enough to them.
Serving as district attorney is one of these jobs. It requires dealing with important, sometimes life and death matters on a regular basis. And the word "daily" is meant literally, as matters of criminal justice don't often take weekends off.
Steve Billy, the man just elected as Escambia County's district attorney, knows all this better than most. He's been an assistant district attorney for years, and watched as Mike Godwin, the man he takes over for, has dealt with a job that's "full time" in the truest sense.
Billy knows what he's getting into, and that'll make him a better DA than if he didn't.
The DA's office should be in good hands for years to come, as it has been during Godwin's time in office. We wish Billy the best with the tough job he's taken on, and also wish his predecessor well as he moves on after a job well done.