Council leases animal shelter
Published 8:18 pm Wednesday, March 9, 2005
In Tuesday's Brewton City Council meeting, the city entered into a lease agreement with the Brewton Animal Control Shelter.
The animal shelter, located on Highway 31 South, was previously a city-operated building, but under the new agreement, the Human Society will now operate the animal shelter. The Humane Society has agreed to provide animal protection and control services for the City.
Under the new agreement, the Humane Society agreed to a one-year lease with a sum of $30,000 to be paid in monthly increments. After the one-year lease is up, facility operators can decide whether they want to re-enter into the existing lease agreement, Councilwoman Ann Marie Sasser said. If they choose not to re-sign the lease, they must provide a 60-day prior notification to the city.
According to the lease agreement, the facility will primarily be used as a center to coordinate, consolidate and provide animal control services, pet adoption, stray pick up and live trap setting, cruelty investigations, County-wide rabies tag checks and sheltering or fostering of pets for domestic violence emergencies
There are two services which the Humane Society will not provide, including not picking up wildlife or disposing or it, and they will not pick up road kill or euthanized animals.
It is up to the city's Public Works Department to handle the disposal of road kill or euthanized animals stored at the shelter, and it will assist with the handling of road kill during the hours the shelter is not open. The chief of police will appoint a contact person for the Humane Society.
The city also agreed to purchase a 1998 White Dodge Dakota Pickup from the Humane Society at an undisclosed amount. The city will provide routine maintenance on the truck for the first term of the agreement.
Also discussed during the meeting, council members: