Looking Back… 25 years
Published 11:45 am Friday, July 22, 2005
By Staff
Jason Fountain and Chad Lantrip sell Kool-Aid outside their home on Forrest Avenue for ten cents a cup.
East Brewton City Council denied an off-premise beer license to the Spur station for the second time. Despite an approval from the Alabama Beverage Control Board, the city license was denied on the basis of an East Brewton ordinance that says no intoxicating beverage may be sold within 1,000 feet of a church.
The Hines Realty women's softball team completed the season with a 19-1 record and won first place in the standings.
Ron Moody won three trophies for running in several races July 4. He took part in the 4.5 meter run in Jay, Fla. and the 5,000 meter run in Flomaton.
The fourth annual all-night gospel singing, sponsored by the Parents and Teachers Association, will be held at the Conecuh County High School football field Saturday, July 26 at 8 p.m.