Looking Back… 50 years

Published 8:25 am Monday, January 30, 2006

By Staff
February 2, 1956
Possibility that 45 acres of land in the northern part of Brewton will be opened as a residential subdivision has been made public by John Douglas, who owns the property.
The City Board of Education asked that the city provide &#8220police officers to patrol in the area of the city schools at regular intervals.” The mayor was also requested to furnish police officers to handle traffic on Belleville and Douglas Ave. during the noon hour.
Extension of the city limits was not seriously considered or discussed by the City Planning Commission at its meeting Friday. But the city planners have taken under consideration a proposal to zone the police jurisdiction of Brewton – an area lying 1 1/2 miles in all directions beyond the city limits.
One hundred thirteen pints of blood were donated yesterday when the Bloodmobile visited Brewton.
Byrd's Super Market was selling bacon at 25 cents a pound.

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