On Tap

Published 1:03 am Monday, July 21, 2008

By Staff
TRM QB Club to meet Monday at field house
There will be a QBC meeting Monday night, July 21, at the TRMFH at 6 p.m. All members are asked to attend.
JDCC to begin v-ball camp on Monday
Jefferson Davis Community College Lady Warhawk volleyball coach Misti Nims has scheduled a volleyball camp for the week of July 21-23 at the JDCC gym.
The camp is open to ages 8-18 years of age and will run from 4-6 p.m. in the week. Cost of the camp is $30 before July 21 and $35 on July 21.
The camp must have at least 10 campers for the camp to be held. Camp sessions are designed to improve the fundamental skills of volleyball.
For more information, call Coach Misti Nims at 251-809-1632.
YMCA to hold swim camp and soccer
The Brewton YMCA along with Sports coordinator Darly Curry have announced sports dates for the 2008 season.
The YMCA swim camp will be held July 21-24 from noon to 2 p.m.
Fees for the camp are $20 for YMCA members and $35 for non-members.
The camp is open for ages five to 18 years old.
Registration begins July 14 at the Brewton Area YMCA. The YMCA soccer season begins August 18 for ages K4 to eighth grade.
Also, the YMCA will be holding the Charlie Ballard basketball camp from Monday July 28- Thursday July 31.
For more detailed information contact the Brewton Area YMCA or sports coordinator Darly Curry at 867-9622.
Punt, Pass and Kick competition to be held for area kids
T.R. Miller High School will hold a Punt, Pass and Kick (PPK) competition on Saturday, August 16, 2008 at 9:00 a.m.
The PPK competition is for the kids of Brewton and surrounding areas. The event is open to all boys and girls ages 8-15. The boys and girls compete separately in four age divisions (8-9, 10-11,12-13, 14-15).
The event is free and open to anyone between the ages mentioned.
Contact Gerald McAnally at 727-4339 in for more information.

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