Published 9:37 am Saturday, March 28, 2009

By Staff
High school baseball
High school softball
Junior college baseball
High school baseball
High school softball
High school tennis
wednesday, march 18
Junior college softball
Junior college softball
High school baseball
High school softball
High school track
High school tennis
Junior college baseball
High school baseball
High school softball
Evergreen to be site of benefit
A benefit basketball tournament will be held on March 28 at the old Evergreen Junior High Gym starting at 10 a.m.
The cost is $60 per team to enter the tournament.
Admission to the tournament will be $3 and $2 for students.
For more information plase call 251-5778-5559 or 251-513-5262.
All proceeds will help benefit Isiah “Harpo” Maxwell’s travel to Hawaii in July to play with the Club USA Basketball of Champions.

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