School, prison in news

Published 9:00 am Wednesday, December 28, 2016

As 2001 was winding down, Pollard-McCall Junior High School was having issues and its future was uncertain. The school was the smallest one in the county and there was a lot of discussion about closing, but we all know that did not happen.

If I remember correctly, there was plenty of support for the school and in the end, the school stayed open and I am sure that those who attend, are certainly glad.

There was an article in The Brewton Standard highlighting some prisoners at Century Correctional Facility. It seems that for the past six months, there were some inmates at the prison who spent several hours a day making toys for needy boys and girls. They were capable of making something useful out of most anything.

There are plenty of people who are incarcerated who want to do things like this. They may be in prison but they still want to contribute where they can. I say “Hooray for them.”

Like most years, in 2001, the editor of The Brewton Standard, Robert Blankenship, took the opportunity to answer the yearly question that comes up at this time of the year. He wrote a very good explanation of the existence of Santa Claus.

I don’t know why, but every year some grinch wants to tell us all that Santa does not exist. All of us who believe in the goodness of people can vouch for the fact that believing in Santa renews each heart and mind at this time of the year.

That is not to say that Christmas is all about Santa and presents. These days we read about the “holidays” but let us not forget, that Christmas is more importantly, the celebration of Jesus’ birth all those years ago.

A sign of the times had Carolyn Bivins advising readers not to ship goodies covered with powdered sugar. It was sure to be kicked out of the out-going mail. We were too worried about terrorist fallout.

Even though it seems we have been using the area code 251 forever, it was begun in January of 2002. Some of the area that had been 334 now was in a new area code of 251.

And speaking of new numbers, we were also expected to remember we were going into the new year of 2002. That is just to much to have to take on at the same time.

We should be proud of the fact that nearly 500 children received clothing and toys thanks to The Christmas Project.

It seems that at Christmas everyone has a giving spirit, but why not have it all year long?

The long-awaited Parker Bridge Project was begun. The old bridge was passible, but considered dangerous. Although the old drive on Highway 4 was quite picturesque, safety took precedence.

Mallie Nelson, a baby born at D.W. McMillan Hospital, went home from the hospital with a little something extra.

I don’t know if they still do it, but for years all the babies born at the hospital in the month of December, were sent home wearing a Christmas stocking made by the hospital’s auxiliary.