Trick-or-treaters knocking on doors Saturday
Published 9:55 pm Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Little ghosts and goblins will be trick or treating Saturday night, but area officials hope they will be safe when they do.
Brewton and East Brewton have set trick-or-treating from 5 to 8 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 30.
Although it should be a night of fun and candy, there are some safety tips that should be observed. The Escambia County Regional Child Advocacy Center has issued a list of things to do or not do. Stephanie Jackson, Director of the Advocacy Center said the department has taken steps to see that every child in kindergarten hear the message of safety.
“One thing that we have taken upon ourselves is to go to all the kindergarten classes to make sure the kids know how to be safe,” said Jackson. “Sheryl Neal and I have gone to every kindergarten class in the county to make sure that the children hear what is important and why they need to follow safety tips. It is just that important to us.”
Jackson, and her office, advises to ‘go where you know’ and stay away from places you do not know. Other things on the list of things to do or not do are:
• Go with a grown up.
• Visit only people you know.
• Choose a costume that lets you see and hear perfectly. You need to be able to watch and listen for cars.
• Make sure your costume fits. You can trip on costumes that are too big for you.
• Wear brightly colored clothing. Put ‘glow in the dark’ patches or strips on your costumes so drivers can see you.
• Carry a flashlight.
• Don’t eat treats until you show them to your parents or a trusted adult.
• Make this and every Halloween a safe and happy one.
One stop to make before the little ones start from house to house is to The Brewton Standard. This year, as in previous years, photographs will be taken of all the little trick-or-treaters at The Standard office from 2 to 4 p.m. Photos will be published in the following week’s newspaper. Reprints will be available for $2 each and will benefit Relay for Life.