Show goes on for Pow Wow
Published 1:35 am Saturday, November 27, 2010
Friday rains postponed main events planned at the 40th annual Poarch Band of Creek Indians Pow Wow — but the show did go on with dance and drum competitions running late into the evening.
Dancers took to the mound during the day on Thursday for competition in events paying out thousands of dollars. With some dancers coming from across the country, the events for Friday were just a waiting game for additional competition and the announcement of winners from Thursday’s events.
Kevin Haywahe said the dance competition was what drew his team to the Poarch Creek Tribal Grounds.
“We came from Saskatchewan, Canada for the competition,” Haywahe said. “We brought four people in our team.”
A four-man team from Shawnee, Okla., came with plans to compete in both dance and drum events. Marty Thurman said his group would compete for titles in both categories.
“There are four of us on our team,” Thurman said. “The rain will slow things down, but we’re glad to be here.”