Hubbard: ‘We can be leaner government’

Published 9:19 pm Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Legislators learned this week that the state will need to make significant budget cuts this year to avoid deficit spending.

State Finance Director David Perry and Legislative Fiscal Office Executive Director Joyce Bigbee also told lawmakers that finances will be tight for the next fiscal year.

House Speaker Mike Hubbard said the Legislature would need to make “difficult choices” in the upcoming regular session.

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“They really are no different that the choices so many families across this state and throughout the nation have been forced to make during this challenging economic time,” Hubbard said. “We simply cannot spend more than we take in. Though spending cuts will be painful, the House Leadership is prepared to make the reductions necessary to avoid running a deficit. We will not shy away from making these tough choices because that’s what we were sent to Montgomery to do. The House leadership will work with Governor Bentley’s office and the Senate Leadership to set priorities and ensure that taxpayers’ money is being spent wisely on programs that work. This challenging budget situation also presents us with an opportunity to fundamentally change the way we manage and fund state government.

“We can be a leaner, more efficient government while still being productive and responsive. It’s time to form a strategic spending plan that will help us craft proration-proof budgets moving forward.”