Governor establishes relief fund

Published 7:42 pm Monday, May 2, 2011

Alabama Gov. Robert Bentley has established the Governor’s Emergency Relief Fund to help Alabamians with unmet recovery needs that unfold in the wake of the recent deadly tornado outbreak across the state. Donations to this fund will be used to relieve suffering caused by the recent tornadoes in Alabama.

Individuals, corporations and organizations looking for a way to help with recovery costs associated with the storms can make financial contributions online at or by mail to Governor’s Emergency Relief Fund, P.O. Box 1523, Montgomery, AL 36102. The Governor’s Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives will administer the fund.  The United Way of Alabama will serve as the fiscal agent for the fund.

“We are all heartbroken by the damage our state has suffered, and now we must turn our attention to helping one another recover,” Bentley said. “We are asking for people to donate to the Governor’s Emergency Relief Fund so we can meet as many needs as possible.”

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The Governor’s Emergency Relief Fund will operate on an ongoing basis to help Alabamians who have exhausted all other avenues of disaster relief, such as FEMA, Red Cross, the Salvation Army, and any other disaster relief programs.

“We have already received generous financial commitments from individuals and businesses across the State and nation wanting to help,” Bentley said. “Their generosity is extremely helpful during this difficult time.”

Donations to the fund are tax-deductible.