Habitat to take holiday break
Published 11:18 pm Monday, November 21, 2011

The Thompson home, above, is shown in the growing stages at HFH volunteers work to complete the home before the Christmas holidays.
Habitat for Humanity volunteers have worked over the course of two weekends to build a “home for the holiday” for the Thompson family — with much success.
Alecia Glaize, executive director of HFH, said work is progressing at a wonderful pace, thanks in part to the weekday volunteers last week.
“We are so thankful to everyone who has come out to help the last few weekends as we build the home for the Thompsons,” Glaize said. “A special thank you to the New Beginnings for the crews who have worked during the week. We’ve made great progress.”
Although the home is expected to be completed by Christmas holidays, Glaize said work on the home will not be done this weekend.
“We won’t be working this weekend so that everyone can enjoy their Thanksgiving weekend with family and friends,” Glaize said. “We will resume our weekend schedule the next weekend.”
Work planned for Saturday, Dec. 3 will be from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. with Sunday, Dec. 4 work planned from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m.
Volunteers are still needed in order to see completion of the home before Christmas, Glaize said.
To register, contact HFH at their offices inside the Restore on Douglas Avenue or call the office at 809-0095. Registration can also be completed on-line at www.escambiahfh.org.
The home is being constructed in East Brewton at 115 Mayo Street. For more details, contact HFH organizers.