We all need to compromise

Published 10:38 am Wednesday, November 23, 2011

It was probably foolish to expect that any good would come from a “super” committee of Congressional lawmakers aiming to reduce the deficit.
When committee members announced earlier this week that their effort was a failure, was anyone surprised? We are on the verge of an election year; giving in, to politicians, equates to giving up votes.
So many of us are upset that “do-nothing” lawmakers cannot seem to come to any compromise — but a CNN poll released the same day the committee announced it was throwing in the towel shows that Americans are just as polarized as the politicians in Washington.
So what if we are the ones who need to compromise?
Our government is supposed to reflect our wants and needs. Do we really want gridlock? Do we want to be in debt because no one can admit that we not only need to cut spending, we need to raise taxes on those who can afford it and make some sacrifices when it comes to the sacred cows of entitlement programs?
It’s been said that no politician wins as a moderate anymore. To be elected, they have to run to the right or the left, and there is no room for honest debate or compromise.
Is that their fault — or ours as voters?
We get the government we deserve. Are you proud that your representatives are doing nothing?

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