EB officials plan sewer testing
Published 8:07 pm Thursday, March 29, 2012
In an effort to prepare for application of grant funding, the City of East Brewton is planning to test sewer lines throughout the city. Officials say the funding would aid in rehabilitating exisiting sanitary sewer lines throughout the city.
Testing, which will begin April 3, will be done on the following streets:
Simmons Street, Lakeland Drive, Forrest Avenue along U.S. 29 and Alabama 41 north of Simmons Street; Williamson Street from Simmons Street to Horton Street; Horton Street and Ashton Street west of Florida Street.
Testing will be done with the use of smoke, however, officials say the smoke should not enter any premises unless a leak is present. It is normal for smoke to escape through plumbing vents and any untrapped service.
The presence of smoke in your house should be reported immediately to the personnel conducting the test, or by calling the Utilities Department at East Brewton City Hall at 867-6092.
Testing officials remind residents to avoid unnecessary exposure to the smoke. Although the smoke is relatively harmless, there is the possibility the smoke could be irritating to nasal passages. Any smoke irritation would be temporary and should quickly disappear after exposure ceases.
Persons with heart and respiratory ailments such as emphysema. should leave the house if smoke enters the house. House pets will react in a manner simiiar to a prudent person and should leave the smoky areas.
To minimize the chance of smoke entering the house, officials are asking residents to pour water into all drains including floor drains prior to the date of test.
For additional information or with questions about the testing process, contact East Brewton City Hall at 867-6092.