Resolutions offer ‘new start’
Published 4:57 pm Monday, December 31, 2012
With the beginning of a new year, many people make resolutions on a variety of topics for a variety of reasons — but all hoping for a chance at a new start.
Area residents were asked about resolutions for the new year with plans ranging from changing personal appearances to gaining new attitudes and perspectives on life and the pursuit of happiness.
Brewton mayor Yank Lovelace said 2012 was a good year, but hopes to see some changes in the coming year.
“My resolution is to be more attentive to my family every day,” Lovelace said.
Scotty Byrne said he just plans on being a good boy for the coming year.
Most people have a lot to be thankful for, and Eddie Nall admits that he and his family are very thankful to be in their rebuilt home, which was destroyed by fire.
“We finally got the shower door up and I was able to take a shower,” Nall said. “I plan on eating more healthy in 2013. I made this resolution in 2012 and was able to lose 26 pounds. I need to eat more whole wheat and cut out having seconds. I will try to continue throughout the year.”
Ellie Hammac said she planned on buying a journal.
“I want to get a journal and write down everything I didn’t like about this Christmas,” Hammac said. “I hope by doing that, I won’t make the same mistakes next year.”
Many of those questioned on their ideas of a resolution commented on the same thing — weight loss.
Shannon Smith, along with a few others, said he would love to lose some weight in the coming year and have a better handle on his self control.
Ann Byrne said she wants to pay more attention to her home.
“I want to clean all the clutter out of my house,” Byrne said. “I also want to organize all my family recipes so I will know where they all are. I hope I can get better shape.”
Candy Smith said her idea for getting a handle on the new year was to become a more organized individual — at home, at work and at play.
“I want to be more organized at work,” Smith said. “I plan on having more fun this coming year, but I want to get back into shape.”
The history of New Year’s resolutions is an centuries-old tradition that has found people from all walks of life resolving to change lifestyles, attitudes and expectations as a new year begins.
Others questioned about resolutions for the new year said plans for the coming year included more exercise, healthier eating, cutting back on sweets, high-fat foods, carbohydrates and cigarettes.
Orgnizations, such as the YMCA, offer classes and structured events to help residents meet those resolution goals.