Men’s health focus for Thursday event
Published 4:42 pm Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Ruth Harrell, director of the Coalition for a Healthier Escambia County, and a former healthcare worker, said making men’s health a special focus throughout June is a good start at educating men — and women — in the community.
“When we bring attention to men’s health, we are also educating the women in their lives on how to better take care of their health needs,” Harrell said. “We are delighted to join with the Escambia County Health Department to put this focus on men’s health.”
National Men’s Health Month is designated each June, but Harrell said a special day has been designated to put a large focus on prevention and care for men’s health needs.
Men’s Health Day will be held locally on Thursday, June 20, in the Education Center at D.W. McMillan Hospital. The event will be held from noon until 2 p.m. and a light lunch will be provided and the public is invited to attend.
“We are calling this our second annual Men’s Health Day because we do want to make it an annual event.” Harrell said.
This county-wide observance is a part of the state and national activity, which has been an annual event since 1994 and is designated by Congress.
“The program this year will focus on heart disease, prostate cancer and smart lifestyle choices,” Harrell said. “In Escambia County, the topic of suicide prevention will also be addressed since suicide is now in the top ten causes of death among adult males.”
Joining Harrell in inviting everyone to attend this important educational forum at the event will be Ricky Elliott. Elliott is an administrator for Public Health Area 9. Elliott’s area includes eight counties: Baldwin, Washington, Clarke, Monroe, Escambia, Conecuh, Butler and Covington.
Anchored by a Congressional health education program, Men’s Health month is celebrated across the country with screenings, health fairs, media appearances, and other health education and outreach activities.
The men’a health program set for Thursday will be offered free of charge to men throughout the county.