Construction work under way at W.S. Neal

Published 6:40 pm Wednesday, October 16, 2013

101613 neal high school construction

Construction is getting under way on a new W.S. Neal High School — classrooms that students and teachers could occupy as soon as January 2015.

Rod Cook Construction has begun moving topsoil at the site of the new school this week, said Escambia County Schools Superintendent Randall Little.

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A ground-breaking ceremony will be held soon with school board members, Little said.

The $15 million project will happen in two phases, with the first phase including construction of new buildings and demolition of outdated structures. Phase 1 will also include creation of a new practice field and new parking lots and driveways.

In Phase 2, renovations are planned for the school auditorium, cafeteria and field house, as well as creation of a girls athletic facility.

W.S. Neal Principal Patty Frazier said the construction will not interfere with school activities. “We should not have any interruptions,” she said.

Frazier said she and teachers and students are excited about the plans.

“According to the schedule, it should be done by the Christmas holidays next year,” she said. “We’ll move in and start the second semester in the new buildings.”

Having the school under one roof will also be good for the security of students, Frazier said.

At T.R. Miller High School, construction is also under way on new classroom buildings, which could be open as soon as fall 2014.