Relay For Life making plans for fundraiser

Published 10:58 pm Thursday, October 17, 2013


Relay for Life teams in Brewton will meet for the big event a few weeks earlier this year — and will celebrate their fundraiser with the theme “Seasons of Hope.”

Relay organizers met Thursday night to discuss plans for the American Cancer Society fundraiser.

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This year’s goal of $35,000 will be raised by teams that work for several months holding events and fundraisers to meet their goals.

The East Escambia Relay for Life will be held on March 15, 2014, at the Brewton Area YMCA. That’s a few weeks earlier than it has typically been held in recent years.

Five teams are already signed up, including teams from D.W. McMillan Memorial Hospital and Georgia-Pacific.

But organizers said teams do not have to be tied to a specific business — in fact, the Cirque du Cure team, back for another year, is made up of a group of friends.

The Relay committee is tentatively planning for a kickoff event in December — a 5K glow run/walk.

Anyone interested in starting a Relay For Life team or joining a team can contact Edith Kelley at

Anyone interested in sponsorship can contact Terrie Beasley at

Anyone interested in being on the survivors list can contact Marcia DeGraaf at D.W. McMillan Hospital at 809-8309.