Talk about the flying word

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Since we’ve come to town, we’ve really enjoyed the Brewton Public Library.

That was, until Friday.

Now, it was nothing that the library done. No, it was all my youngest girl’s fault.

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Brewton has a wonderful library. One of the best I’ve visited, and let me tell you, I’ve been to a lot.

It’s no secret that I come from a family of voracious readers. I’ve worked very hard to instill that love in my children. I’ve done pretty good – so far. In fact, every other Saturday is usually library day at our house.

But last week, we had to make an emergency run after everyone complained of having nothing to read. A good problem to have, in my opinion, so after the oldest girl’s orthodontist appointment, we scooted over there to check out the shelves.

It didn’t take long for us to make our selections, and I even treated them to ice cream at Marks. From there, we came back by the office and, later, home.

Sounds like a good trip, right?

Well, it was until I got a call from the library asking if we’d lost a book.

I responded in the negative and she said, “Are you sure?”

My first thought was, “How much is this going to cost me?”

She just had to tell me the story about how – driving down South Boulevard – her sister said, “Isn’t that one of your books in the middle of the road?”

Sure enough, right there in front of Arby’s, there it was.

The librarian said while stopped at the light, she dashed out of the car, snatched the book up and jumped back in.

A quick look revealed it was one of those Diary of a Wimpy Kid books with a perfect tire track down the front cover. First thing Friday morning, she checked the computer and found it was assigned to Mia Nelson.

As she was telling me the story, I still couldn’t figure out how the book got into the middle of the road.

“She had to have left it on top of the car,” the librarian said.

Mercy, I replied.

When I relayed the story to the girls, the youngest laughed and said, “I saw something fly off the top of the car. Ha-ha, Mia! You owe Momma so much money. Now if we could get the librarian to find your glasses, wouldn’t that be great?”

And the answer to how much it’s going to cost me – $24.

Truly, if I could get the librarian – or anyone for that matter – to find those glasses, that would be great.