TRM to have Miller Night and 5K race Friday
Published 2:08 pm Tuesday, August 12, 2014
By Adam Robinson
sports editor
T.R. Miller High School will hold their annual “Miller Night” Friday, Aug. 15. The Miller Night festivities will include a Red and White volleyball scrimmage game at 5 p.m. and a Red and White football scrimmage game at 6 p.m.
Concession stands will be open during the football game.
Also on Friday, Jim Peach Motors and Ford Motor Company will be sponsoring a “Drive For Your School” event. Ford vehicles will be available to test drive beginning at 4 p.m. The vehicles will be in front of the school and drivers must be 18 years of age or older to test drive vehicles.
Also on Friday, the T.R. Miller cross country team will host a Friday Night Lights 5K Run/Walk.
The 5K will take place under the lights on a flat and fast course around the TRM campus. Proceeds will go to help support Tiger sports.
The event will take place at Brewton Municipal Stadium right after the Red-White scrimmage game around 8:30 p.m.
The cost is $20 per runner or $50 per family of three or more.
The first 100 runners to cross the finish line will receive at TRM screenprinted hand towel.
For more information or to register, download the registration form online at: or sign up the night of the event.
Contact Rob Atkinson at 251-363-3404 or by email at
Also, you can contact Serena Terry at 251-809-2777.
Registration will be held at 5 p.m. until 15 minutes before the race at the stadium.