FitFest is coming!
Published 3:57 pm Wednesday, February 4, 2015
2015 FitFest Program at Brewton Area YMCA
It’s February! I always get so excited this time of the year! Why? It’s time for FitFest 2015!
This year marks our 20th annual event. It will be held on Wed., Feb. 11, from 7:30 a.m. to 10 a.m. at the Brewton Area YMCA. We are requesting all of you to wear something red in observance of February Healthy Heart Awareness Month. It can be a shirt, pants, tie, red dress pin or anything red.
This year’s program will be held on the lower level of the Brewton Area YMCA. The easiest access to the lower level is through the side doors on the ground floor. Signs will be posted to show you the way.
At 7:30 a.m. our Health Fair will begin with blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar screenings. For accurate testing, participants are asked to fast (eat no food after midnight). All the screenings are free. Be sure to arrive early, have your screenings done, and then enjoy healthy refreshments, strolling through the health-related exhibits, the fellowship, educational sessions and door prizes.
At 9:00 a.m. the Educational Sessions begin and include:
• “The Benefits of Well-Being” presented by Vivian Layton, Senior Program Director and Cathy Green, Business Manager at the Brewton Area YMCA
• “Matters of the Heart” by Bob Ellis, Director of Nursing at D.W. McMillan Memorial Hospital
Several community services and health care professionals have united to present this dynamic health care program for you. FitFest is a health and fitness program for adults. The primary purpose of the FitFest program is to encourage individuals in the community and surrounding areas to become fully informed and pro-active about their health and to improve their lifestyles
So, mark your calendars now and make sure to join in. You just might learn some new and exciting information, win door prizes, enjoy refreshments and have the chance to meet new friends. We hope to see you there!
This free service to the Brewton and surrounding areas is sponsored by the Alabama Cooperative Extension System in partnership with D. W. McMillan Memorial Hospital, and Brewton Area YMCA.
Have questions? Call Marcia DeGraaf at 809-8309, or Vivian Layton-867- 9622 or Carolyn Bivins at 867-7760