Races, runs – it’s that time

Published 9:28 am Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Twenty-five years ago in 1990, it was voting time and both “Crum” Foshee and “Skippy” White were re-elected. Foshee had to battle a lawsuit against him questioning his right to run for office, but he came out a winner in the voting booth.

Christmas was on the minds of some as some students in Atmore elected to gather presents to send to the Alabama National Guard units from Monroeville and Brewton. They wanted to express their thanks for those who had been sent to Operation Desert Shield.

This was in the fall after Iraq had invaded Quwait in the summer. No one knew at the time that it was just the beginning of several trips our local guard units would have to make to that part of the world. Not too long after Christmas Desert Shield would turn into Desert Storm.

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A mock disaster drill was planned by the Emergency Management Agency and Exoon to test the readiness of the system.

The Annual Battle of Murder Creek was getting close and was on the minds of football fans in East Brewton and Brewton.

I think this game matters to most people in our area. I did not attend this year. I have always thought that the night of the game would be perfect for a thief to visit as everyone was at the ball game. I don’t want to give anyone ideas, but think about it.

Leroy Nall, a local resident, brought home a Georgia gold medal in bowling.

That’s just another reason for us to have a bowling alley here in Brewton. We could have other winners.

District Attorney Mike Godwin said felony cases had doubled since 1988. In a special edition of The Brewton Standard, officials said that the cost of alcohol and drugs cost $177 billion a year.

That is an almost unbelievable amount of money, but think about it. I would venture to say that everyone out there has a drug or alcohol story to tell. If not about oneself, about someone they know. It is a sickness that breaks families apart every day.

W. S. Neal High School hosted a visit by McGruff, the crime dog to spotlight drug awareness. They were also getting ready for a Jazz band to make an appearance.

Police were cracking down on illegal parking in East Brewton where handicapped signs were being ignored.

I have a handicapped tag on my car because i have so much trouble with my legs now that I am older. It is bad enough that I have to make separate trips to Wal-Mart when I need to go to the grocery side and the drug side. Now imagine long walks in the parking lot. I have been known to just go home if all the special handicapped parking places were filled. I remember when I used to go at a run everywhere I went. Not anymore.

Bids were to be let for the building of the new jail. It was to be a 95 bed facility.

That may have been big enough 25 years ago, but today the jail houses more than twice that number. It makes it very hard on both law enforcement and the inmates. I know that some will say that the inmates don’t deserve any favors. That may be true, but, as my mother always said, “unless you walk a mile in their shoes, don’t be too sure of what you would do.”