Is that a monkey?

Published 5:00 am Wednesday, February 3, 2016

In 1996, 20 years ago, former Escambia County commissioner Julian Henley died in a house fire in Wing. He got out of the house, but ran back inside to get his shoes as it was a cold night. He was overcome with smoke and died before he could get back out.

The city of Brewton made the decision to raise the sewer rates because of a shortfall in monies required. It was reported that the average cost of sewer service was $4.70 and it would rise to be just a tad over $10.

Now I don’t know just when and how much it has been raised, but I know my gas, water and sewer charges are sky high. I don’t use gas, but the water and sewer cost me between $50 and $60 each month. I hate to think what a large family has to pay. But, at least I don’t have to draw the water out of the well anymore.

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And, before you ask, yes, I am that old.

The Rev. John Finklea and his wife, Deloris, were honored for their 20 years of service to First Baptist Church of Brewton and the city.

The breakout of cases of meningitis had the area worried. There had been several cases reported and two people had died.

That is a scary thing to happen. I remember my great-grandson reportedly had meningitis when he was very small. It was enough to worry us all until he was better.

There were several things happening to recognize Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday. This reminded me of the parade held this year. It seems as if it was a bit bigger this year than it has been. Let us hope so and more people will join in next year.

A Range resident was found dead inside a gas well site. He apparently died of asphyxiation.

It was announced that W.S. Neal coach, Hugh Fountain, was bound to Charles Henderson High School in Troy.

Frank Cotten was named to the Alabama High School Sports Hall of Fame. Now everybody knows Frank Cotten and his history with education and coaching. I am sure he was well-deserving of this honor.

Steve Nelson announced that he was running for city council to fill the seat vacated by Dr. John Bagwell.

Last, but not least, the Star Circus was in town with lots of fun and entertainment for the whole family.

I have to tell you my circus story. When I was a little girl my friend and I were playing on the screened in porch at her grandmother’s. We noticed this strange creature sitting on the door steps and were trying to figure out just what it was.

My friend’s grandmother came out to check on us and when she saw the animal on the steps, she screamed. Of course that scared us to death, so we also screamed. In fact we all screamed so loud that my mother came running down the road to see what was the trouble.

She said that I practically climbed her legs trying to get away from that thing on the steps. By the way, it turned out to be a monkey that had gotten loose from a circus. We were country kids and knew nothing about monkeys. Oh, and we also didn’t have television then, so how were we to know what we saw?