BMS Science Olympiad team headed to state

Published 8:06 am Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Courtesy photo Participating in the state Science Olympiad competition last Saturday were (front row) Ella Hart, Macie Happoldt, Brooke Brownlee, Anna Watson, Jacquetta Bradley, (second row) Kaitlin Ellis, Gracie Greer, Makenna Rowell, Sara Scott, Elizabeth Glass, Hannah McFerrin, Lyberti Bradley; (standing) James David Hartin, Dean Thelen, Orlando Gandy, Andrew Ray, Wyn Brittain, Earl Dolihite, Matthew Bishop, Will Terrell, Will Adams and Mac Baxter.  Not pictured are coaches Cindy Brittain and Bre Morris.

Courtesy photo
Participating in the state Science Olympiad competition last Saturday were (front row) Ella Hart, Macie Happoldt, Brooke Brownlee, Anna Watson, Jacquetta Bradley, (second row) Kaitlin Ellis, Gracie Greer, Makenna Rowell, Sara Scott, Elizabeth Glass, Hannah McFerrin, Lyberti Bradley; (standing) James David Hartin, Dean Thelen, Orlando Gandy, Andrew Ray, Wyn Brittain, Earl Dolihite, Matthew Bishop, Will Terrell, Will Adams and Mac Baxter.  Not pictured are coaches Cindy Brittain and Bre Morris.

Brewton Middle School took two teams to compete at Science Olympiad at the University of Alabama on Sat., Feb. 20.  Team No. 1 earned second place overall and has qualified to compete at the state competition at Huntington College in Montgomery on April 9. Coaches for these teams are Cindy Brittain and Bre Morris.

BMS also had several individual medal winners from both teams, including:

• Mac Baxter: third in Anatomy;

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Matthew Bishop: second in Dynamic Planet, second in Fossils, third in Meteorology, third in Reach for the Stars;

Jacquetta Bradley: third in Experimental Design and third in Road Scholar;

Lyberti Bradley: third in Anatomy and second in Invasive Species;

Wyn Brittain: first in Crime Busters, first in Mission Possible and first in Scrambler;

Earl Dolihite: first in Mission Possible and first in Scrambler;

Kaitlin Ellis: third in Reach for the Stars;

Elizabeth Glass: first in Crime Busters and second in Food Science;

Ella Hart: second in Invasice Species;

James David Hartin: second in Crime Busters and third in Experimental Design;

Hannah McFerrin: second in Crime Busters;

Andrew Ray: second in Elastic Launched Glider;

Sara Scott: second in Food Science;

Will Terrell: first in Air Trajectory and third in Meteorology;

Dean Thelen: second in Meteorology and third in Road Scholar.