Progress then, “Progress” now

Published 5:50 pm Tuesday, March 8, 2016

In 1981, work on the T.R. Miller High School gym was almost completed. The renovation began in 1979 and was finally almost done. This was 35 years ago and since that time it has seen many a basketball games take place, not to mention pep rallies and other events.

Just last week The Brewton Standard came out with its special edition of “Progress”  and in 1981 it also had a good insert of that year’s “Progress.”

There were good write-ups about Southern Normal, Fort Crawford Park, O’Bannon Park and William Barrett Travis. There was also a story about the early postal system in this area, According to the article the first post office in this area was at Nathansville. Now, I think this was somewhere near what is now Riverview.. The first postmaster of that post office was Nicholas Stallworth Travis, who was a brother to William Barrett Travis above.

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In East Brewton, Lt. David Dixon was appointed to be the new police chief.

It may have been March but Spring seemed to be just around the corner. Bushes and trees were sporting new buds and cold days were turning into cool nights and warm days.

This is my favorite season of the year. It is not hot yet (even though we know it is coming) and everywhere you turn, birds are singing and people can be seen   working their gardens.

There were some good prices in the sales paper. A&P had bacon for 99 cents a pound, K-Mart had sun dresses for $7.98 and the cost of Excedrin was $2.66 for a bottle of 225. It will never be this cheap again, but I guess you never know. Who would have believed that gas would come down as low as it has? It has been nice, but I have noticed that the drop in price has stopped and is slowly going up. You never know what is going to happen next.