Free baseball clinic to be held April 14
Published 4:27 pm Thursday, April 7, 2016

Peach Chevrolet will host a free instructional baseball clinic open to kids 6-14 years old on April 14 from 6-9 p.m.
Peach Chevrolet will host a free youth baseball instructional clinic on Thurs., April 14, from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m., at the Brewton Area YMCA Sports Park.
Participants of all skill levels between the ages of six to 14, boys and girls, are invited to attend.
Registration is required for all participants online at Space is limited to 200 players.
Each child is required to RSVP and bring a signed clinic waiver form, available online, to the registration table on day of clinic.
Participants should wear athletic apparel and bring his or her own glove, water bottle and bat if available. Non-metal cleats or tennis shoes are acceptable.
Check-in will begin one hour before clinic. A snack will be served immediately following.
For any questions or more information about the clinic visit or call Peach Chevrolet at 251.867.0506.