Getting a Head Start

Published 4:30 am Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Stephanie Nelson | The Brewton Standard These cheesy cuties are among those currently enrolled at Brewton Head Start. Here, the trio works on their coloring.

Stephanie Nelson | The Brewton Standard
These cheesy cuties are among those currently enrolled at Brewton Head Start. Here, the trio works on their coloring.

Want to give your child a great head start on their education? Then, one can find that and more at the Brewton Head Start. And enrollment is going on now.

The program is a federally funded child development program that provides services to 3-to-5-year-old children of low-income families. Enrollment priority is given to children from families meeting the federal poverty guidelines. Head Start also actively recruits and enrolls children with disabilities.

Parents or a legal guardian is the only person who can make an application for the prospective student.

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There is no charge for the program.

For more information, call 867.9552.