Business class set

Published 8:00 pm Tuesday, July 5, 2016

If owning your own business is your dream, then this series of classes were designed with you in mind.

The Women’s Business Center of Rural Alabama is sponsoring a four-session “Dream Builders Class.” Cost for the 16-week course is $35, and a computer or tablet is required.

“This is an excellent series for someone who wants to start their own business,” said Susan Rhodes, WBCRA director. “It will take you from the start of an idea all the way through to the completion of a business plan.”

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Rhodes said the class is comprised of eight components designed to “guide you in the decision-making process” along with assisting one in gathering the needed financial information for a business plan.

“Banks generally will not loan you money to start a new business without a completed business plan,” Rhodes said. “This class is designed to make sure you are prepared.”

Classes will be held on Tuesday evenings at 6 p.m. at the Escambia County Extension Office on Ag Science Drive on July 12 and 26 and Aug. 9 and 23.

“Each class will be followed up with a session to discuss, brainstorm and trouble shoot,” Rhodes said. “At the end of the session, we will take the generated business plan and send it off to be critiqued and then make the necessary adjustments. We will also offer counseling and financial alternatives from traditional lending, if needed.”

To register, contact Rhodes at 251.867.5600 or via email at