BCS makes personnel changes

Published 9:00 am Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Four personnel changes in Brewton City School System were announced Monday after the board approved:

• hiring Nancy Hart as part time fifth grade teacher at Brewton Middle School;

• hiring Malary Booker as teacher at Brewton Elementary School;

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• reclassifying Ollie Bailey as a 212-hour custodian at BMS; and,

• the resignation of Drew Roberts as BMS teacher.

In other business, the board:

• appointed board member Bart Till to the board’s capital improvement committee;

• set whole board training for an undetermined date in October;

• approved a 4 percent salary increase for Superintendent Dr. Kenneth Varner as set by his contract following any across-the-board raises for teachers;

• affirmed board member Ann Peach’s place on the board as pursuant to state law; and,

• set budget hearings for Sept. 14 at noon and Sept. 19 at 4 p.m.

– Stephanie Nelson