Coming together

Published 8:00 am Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Corey Williams | The Brewton Standard The Methodist Men Ministry and students and faculty of the Escambia County Career Readiness Center pose with residence owner Andrew Jackson after the finishing touches of the ramp.

Corey Williams | The Brewton Standard
The Methodist Men Ministry and students and faculty of the Escambia County Career Readiness Center pose with residence owner Andrew Jackson after the finishing touches of the ramp.

Students help build ramp

Blessings seem to rain down when people come together for a common good. With hard work and resources, the Methodist Men Ministry of Brewton First United Methodist Church teamed up with the Career Readiness Center of the Escambia County and Brewton School Systems to build a 16-foot ramp for East Brewton resident Andrew Jackson.

Jackson, who’s been a resident in East Brewton for a little over two months, said he is eternally grateful for such a gift.

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“I highly appreciate it,” Jackson said. “It’s great to see good Christians in the world come together to do this. I’m really grateful. God is good.”

Jackson is a native out of Mobile, his journey to the community brought him in contact with Sylvester Ball, his landlord.

The two have developed a friendship as both attend church together. The friendship has humbled Ball who entered new territory as a landlord. Meeting Jackson, he realized he had a tenant who needed certain accommodations and support.

“When we first talked and (Jackson) told me he had no legs, I was skeptical,” Ball said. “I’ve never had to deal with anybody with that condition.

Ball said it was faith that made him believe everything would work out.

“I told (Jackson) to come on because God gonna make a way. I threw a temporary ramp up for the time being and I kept praying that the Lord would help me in some kind of way to help him. Then the information came to me about this, just like that. I’m really overwhelmed. Just when you think there is no more good in the world here come people like this in your life.

“They restore the faith that there is still good in this world, because there is so much in this world going on right now that can make you question a lot of things,” Ball continued. “This ramp is a good example of God’s grace. This is a blessing. I’m moved to tears that God put this on their hearts.”

Methodist Men and Escambia County School board member Mike Edwards said the ministry was in talks for a while to collaborate with the Career Readiness Center. Edwards made it a priority to team up with Todd Williamson, administrator at the Career Readiness Center, to make it happen. Building construction teacher at the center, Kenny Revel, thought it was a good idea and the project moved forward.

“I’m proud that this all came together,” Edwards said. “At the center they’re building 16×4 construction modules. Here on site we’re giving students experience so when they fabricate the parts they know what it’s used for.”

Edwards hopes this will be the beginning of something special.

“After this we’ll get them involved in doing ramps totally on their own,” he said. “All of us are over the age 60. Hopefully it’s going to be an inspiration for them to go out and do this kind of work.”

After the construction of the ramp, all came together as Methodist Men member Pat Poole closed with the customary blessing of the ramp.

“As always Dear Lord its nothing we do,” Poole said.

“You give us the strength, the abilities and the resources to do this and we thank You for doing that. We pray for Andrew Jackson that this allows him to be more mobile to get in and out of his house. Just be a blessing to him and help him in his life. We ask all these things and to bless this ramp in the name of your precious son, Jesus Christ. Amen.”