UF deadline approaching

Published 4:55 am Wednesday, December 28, 2016

United Fund is slightly more than three-quarters of the way to meeting its $80,000 goal for 2017 to help fund organizations in the Brewton and East Brewton areas.

The group began accepting donations to share with the 19 local organizations that receive the funds in October.

“Our goal this year remained at $80,000,” Kirk Garrett, chairman of the United Fund said. “We decided to keep it the same as years’ past so that we can give level funding to the participating agencies.”

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Garrett said the organization is not limiting our focus to one particular group this year, “as we intend to work with all of the local organizations to assist and/or provide services to individuals and families who live in Brewton and East Brewton.”

“These local agencies and organizations reach a broad spectrum of the Brewton and East Brewton communities,” he said. “We encourage everyone to consider making a donation. The more community participation we have, regardless of the amount, the more assistance the United Fund will be able to provide within our community.”

Garrett said he expects this year’s total to meet or exceed the goal.

“We first want to thank our many donors, individual and corporate, who have given to this year’s campaign,” he said. “We would not be able to serve so many agencies in our local community without the tremendous support from our community. Donations may be designated for any of the specific agencies we support.”

Organizations include The Brewton Area YMCA, American Red Cross, Girl Scouts-Deep South Chapter, Brewton Public Library, The Yancey Jernigan Foundation, Boy Scouts-Gulf Coast Council, East Brewton Youth Sports, Southwest Alabama Behavioral Health Care Systems, Escambia County Cooperative Library System, Alabama Cooperative Extension System, Disabled Children and Adults-Brewton Chapter, Hope Place Family Resource, Christian Community Benevolent Fund, Reach Out and Read Alabama, Strategies To Achieve Reading Success (S.T.A.R.S), Wheels of Wellness, Brewton Parks and Recreational Department, and the Escambia County Regional Child Advocacy Center.

The United Fund gives more than 98 cents of every dollar it raises to the 19 member agencies.

“Fundraising will end Dec. 31,” Garrett said. “But we accept contributions all year.”

Those interested in sending donations, please send them to: United Fund of Brewton and East Brewton, P.O. Box 34, Brewton, AL 36427.

The money raised will go back to work in Brewton and East Brewton in the form of services for individuals and families who live in the Brewton and East Brewton area.