Get student immunizations now

Published 5:16 pm Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Summer vacation is officially at its end as students prepare for their return to the classroom on Aug. 9.

With that in mind, it’s the perfect time to make sure student immunizations are up-to-date, local health officials said.

August is also National Immunization Awareness Month and the Alabama Department of Public Health is encouraging parents to protect their children by making sure they are up to date on recommended vaccinations.
“While parents are going through the process of ensuring their children have the necessary supplies and clothing to go back to school or childcare, they should also check their vaccination schedules and protect them from serious diseases,” said Dr. Karen Landers, ADPH’s assistant state health officer.

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“Vaccines protect against a number of serious and potentially life-threatening diseases,” Landers said. “When children are not vaccinated, they are at increased risk for diseases and can also spread diseases to others in their classrooms and community.”
National Immunization Awareness Month emphasizes the importance of immunizations for people of all ages – focusing on different ages and demographics each week during the month of August, including babies and young children, preteens and teens, adults and pregnant women, she said.

Parents are also advised on the recommended vaccines for their child, vaccination schedules, and how to discuss immunization with their doctors.