Roses to host grand opening tomorrow
Published 4:00 am Wednesday, August 2, 2017
- Assistant Manager Nekoya Johnson assists customers in the checkout line./ Tori Bedsole I The Brewton Standard
Story by Tori Bedsole
Roses is now open for business.
The discount store opened its doors on July 27 for a soft opening. The grand opening will be held tomorrow, Aug. 3.
Located in the former Wal-Mart building in the Douglas Square Shopping Center, the company now occupies half of the building. The city announced the store’s July opening in February.
The store is part of a North Carolina-based corporation, Variety Wholesalers Inc. Company officials expect to hire 20 people. According to the company’s website, Variety Wholesalers owns several discount retail chains. The Super 10 Division consists of 85 stores ranging in size from 5,000 to 10,000 square feet and operates under the names “Super Dollar,” “Bill’s Dollar Stores,” “Super 10” and “Bargain Town.”
Brewton’s store is one of the some 160 stores in the company’s Rose’s Division and offers an extensive assortment of retail merchandise including both hardlines, which consists of toys, health and beauty aids, housewares, furniture, sporting goods, snacks, etc., and softlines such as clothing, accessories, jewelry, etc.
Management said the store is off to a good start and they are expecting a successful grand opening.