WSNES students provide relief to hurricane victims

Published 8:12 am Wednesday, September 20, 2017

W.S. Neal Elementary School students are lending a helping hand for Hurricane Harvey victims in Texas. Leading the charge is WSNES librarian Jessica James. Last year the school donated school supplies to Louisiana. This year, through a program called “Adopt a Classroom” James was able to contact a teacher in the Houston area and ask for what their classroom needed specifically.

“The third grade teacher in Houston said she needed books, because their classroom had flooded, and also their roof had come off partially letting in rain,” James said. “All of her books were unsalvageable. So we gathered all the books that we had. Having books in the classroom is so important.”

James’ mom Carol Glidden knew of her daughter’s efforts to donate books to Houston so she contacted the Brewton Public Library to see if they can help donate more books.

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“My mom is a frequent patron of the library, so she contacted the library about possibly donating,” James said. “They were glad to help, and we can’t thank them enough for their generosity. “

James said she’ll ship the books later this month.

“Sadly with Hurricane Irma the program will continue to need more help and donations,” James said.

To learn how you can donate to classrooms in need visit