Kudos on the thoughtfulness of hiring new coach

Published 12:00 pm Monday, January 15, 2018

It’s been said that athletics builds character, and that athletics can have a substantial impact on the lives of youngsters who are involved.

This week, the Brewton community had the opportunity to meet new head coach Keith Etheredge.

One of the things that stood out most to us was that TRM principal Ron Snell praised Etheredge’s ability to make a difference on and off the field.

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Of course, we like to win, but we wanted to applaud Snell and the hiring committee for picking up a coach who has a track record for winning on and off the field.

When student-athletes often spend more time at school than at home, having a positive role model can play a huge role in helping shape the person he or she will become.

It’s important that young people have the opportunity to hone their ethical excellence, and it’s positive that the staff and hiring committee at TRM put that as a must-have on their list of traits for a new coach.

Snell said the impact that Etheredge would have on student-athletes was at the forefront of the decision to make the hire.

“What I consistently got was that he loves his kids and they love him. They play hard for him, and he invests time in them personally.”

Investing time and energy in students to help mold them into healthy and successful adults is as important as investing in their education.

It’s been said that coaching is a calling and it’s an important task because working with students gives one the opportunity to help act as guide through life and the chosen sport.

Being a coach gives a person a direct position to change students’ lives for the better.

Coaches serve as role models to not only student athletes but the entire student body and community.

It’s no doubt a high-stakes job to be responsible for molding human beings into good, quality people, but talking to Etheredge it was clear that he has a heart for athletes.

Again we applaud those tasked with hiring the next coach, and person who will have a huge impact on the lives of our local players.