Escambia County BOE makes personnel changes

Published 6:00 am Wednesday, July 4, 2018

The Escambia County Board of Education met in a special board meeting on Tues., June 26.

There were two consent items on the agenda;

• Approval of RPM Outreach Program for the 2018-19 school year,

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  Approval to participate in the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) for 2018-19 for all Child Nutrition Program (CNP) cost centers. The application to participate in this program has been approved by the ALSDE CNP department.

Action items were:

• Approval of 2018-19 salary schedule,

• Approval of the state mandated 2.5 percen t raise for Superintendent John Knott.

• Approval to open new General Fund Opperating & CNP accounts at Trustmark Bank.

•Approval of 2018-19 Student Code of Conduct.

• Approval to increase lunch prices for employees from $3.50 to $3.75 and visitors to increase from $4.50 to $4.75.

The Escambia County Schools calendar for 2018-19 was presented by Sarah Watkins.

Sick leave days were approved for three teachers in the system.


• Charles White, assistant band director, Escambia County Middle School, effective June 19.

• Jonathan Farr, science teacher, W.S, Neal High School, effective May 25.

• Kristin Wasdin, elementary teacher, Escambia County Middle School, effective May 25.

• Tashan Streety, 6-hour lunchroom worker, W.S. Neal Elementary School, effective May 31.

• Megn Donald, English/language arts teacher, W.S. Neal High School, effective June 25.


• Brittany Revel, elementary teacher, W.S. Neal Elementary School, effective Aug. 3 (replacing Katrina Ewing).

• Casey Lodge, elementary teacher, W. S. Neal Elementary School, effective Aug. 3 (replacing Ryan McGraw).

• Amanda McKenzie, elementary teacher, W.S. Neal Elementary School, effective Aug. 3.

ª James Hurley, P.E. teacher, W.S. Neal Elementary School, effective Aug. 3 (replacing Randall Denton).

• Sara Bendall, special education teacher, Escambia County Middle School, effective Aug. 3 (replacing Alicia Jossey).

• Leviticus Wilson, elementary teacher, Escambia County Middle School, effective Aug. 3 (replacing Robert Lloyd).

• Kathleen Camp, elementary teacher, Rachel Patterson Elementary School, effective Aug. 3 (replacing Heather White).

• Micah Brown, elementary teacher, Rachel Patterson Elementary School, effective Aug. 3 (replacing Kathy Shehan).

• Tyler Reid, college student worker, Brewton Central Office, effective June 20 (on an as needed basis).

• Courtney McBride, assistant principal, W.S. Neal Elementary School, effective July 23 (replacing Deborah Stokes).

• Tiffany Land, instructional teacher aide, Huxford Elementary School, effective Aug. 3 (replacing Margie Harper).

• Traci Redditt, science teacher, Escambia County Middle School, effective Aug. 3 (replacing Gary Knowles).

• Marsha Wilson, elementary teacher, Escambia County Middle School, effective Aug. 3 (replacing Kristin Wasdin).

• Terry Knowles, math teacher, Escambia County Alternative School, effective Aug. 3.


Rodney Owens, science teacher, Escambia County High School to Agriscience teacher,Escambia County High School, effective July 30.


• Janet Ingraham, 7-hour custodian, Flomaton High School, to a 7-hour custodian, W.S. Neal Elementary School and W.S. Neal Middle School, effective Aug. 1.

• Jessica James, librarian, W.S. Neal Elementary Schho, to librarian, W.S. Neal High School, effective Aug. 3 (replacing Valissa Burnham).

• Yolonda Walters, science teacher, Escambia County High School STAR Program, to science teacher, Escambia County Alternative School, effective Aug. 3 (replacing Kellie Steele).


• Shemika Barnes, instructional teacher aide, Huxford Elementary School School, effective Aug. 3 (replacing Linda Mills).

• Ashley Knowles, English/lanuage arts teacher, Escambia County Alternative School, effective Aug. 3 (replacing Aubrina Bowen).

• Farrah McGill, social studies teacher, Escambia County Alternative School, effective Aug. 3 (replacing Terrence Hall).

• Karie Richburg, teacher, Escambia County Middle School, effective Aug. 3 (replacing Emily Anusiewicz).

The Board met in an executive session before resuming the meeting to approve contracts for the following.

• Principal contract for Scott Hammond, Flomaton High School, for a 3-year period, effective July 1, 2018-June 30, 2021.

• Approved to negotiate probationary principal contract for George Brown, Flomaton Elementary School for a 2-year period, effictive July 1, 2018-June 30, 2020 (replacing Diane Holmes.