TRM, WSN battle heat in 1st practice

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Despite the heat soaring to 100 degrees, Monday afternoon found both T.R. Miller and W.S. Neal football teams hitting the gridiron hard for the first official day of practice for the 2018 football season.
W.S. Neal, clad in blue helmets for a helmet-only practice, hit the field to work on offensive drills and kick-off returns.
Head coach Andro Williams could be seen and heard working his magic to an exceptional group of young men giving it their all in the brutal heat.
“The heat played a big a factor with the team today,” Williams said.
“It is going to take the kids getting used to it and the weather has been playing a huge factor, one day it’s raining and the next it’s 100 degrees.”
All of the players for W.S. Neal had great attitudes and were eager to learn drills and plays. Conditioning for both teams are huge points, as it is with any team in south Alabama heat.
T.R. Miller football players worked on conditioning Monday afternoon to battle that exact element.
“The guys have to get used to the heat and it only gets hotter when you add football pads,” said Head coach Keith Etheredge.
“Our main focus right now has to be conditioning and helping the guys get ready to deal with the heat.”
Both T.R. Miller and W.S. Neal coaches expressed their concern for the safety for the players and made it one of their main focuses.
Water could be seen in abundance on both fields, along with the many water breaks.
The heat forces both teams to adjust their practice times.
As the weeks continue for both teams in anticipation of the first game, a lot of work will take place on and off the field.
Films will be watched, plays will be designed and taught, and starting players will be established.
Both coaches said Monday’s practices were successful despite the heat, but more work is needed to prepare for the August 24 jamborees.

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