Council OKs demolition of Sowell Road property

Published 11:51 am Wednesday, September 26, 2018

After years of discussion, the Brewton City Council moved forward with OK’ing the demolition of the property located at 706 Sowell Road.
Code Enforcement Officer Lawton Shipp told the city council that he had sent the owner letters through certified mail and had not received any response.
Shipp said the neighbors want the square block apartments torn down and they have been trying to get the property owner to fix the building or tear it down for years.
The structure is located next door to Baptist Hill Church.
Shipp said last year, the property owner made a list of improvements that were to be done to the property, but none of them had been completed.
Additionally, Shipp said the property owner doesn’t keep the grass mowed.
The city council voted to tear down the apartments. The property owner has 10 days to submit an appeal in Escambia County Circuit Court.
“Everything has been done legally,” Shipp said.
He also notified the property owner there would be a hearing at Monday night’s council meeting.
Councilman Joe Watson made the motion and Councilman Feast Broughton seconded it. The demolition passed unanimously.
“She’s had years (to do something about it),” Watson said.
In the mean time, Shipp will be soliciting bids to tear down the property.

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