Snell made lasting impact on TRM students

Published 10:39 am Thursday, October 4, 2018

By Michael Floyd

Principal Ron Snell came to T. R. Miller High School in 2016, which was my sophomore year, and since day one he has exemplified the true “Miller Tiger Spirit.”

He allowed the seniors to come down to the court to sing the Alma Mater at the end of every pep rally. He also began the “Snell Talk,” which is when he gave a motivational speech of his own and ended it with the iconic saying of “Don’t Meet Me There, Beat Me There, And You’ll Be Yelling Go Tigers Win!” He created the “snellfie”,which is when he took a picture with Senior Class during the graduation ceremony. He loved seeing students excel in everything they did, and it did not matter if it was on the athletic team or in the classroom.

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If the Tigers traveled far or near, you can bet that Mr. Snell was their covered in the red, white, and black.

Whether you were on or off campus, Mr. Snell was a very energetic person, who brought so much to TRM.

He always had a smile, high five, fist bump, pat on the back, or hand shake ready to greet you every morning when you got to school and every day you could hear him down the halls yelling “Step With Purpose.”

Mr. Snell wasn’t just an ordinary principal, but he was an encourager for those who were ready to quit, he was a friend to those who didn’t have anyone to talk to, he was a supporter to every student at TRM and he made sure they knew how blessed they were to attend the greatest school in the State of Alabama! It is really hard to see Mr. Snell leave, but I wish him nothing but success as the superintendent of Geneva City Schools System.

He was truly the total package and an essential asset to the grand ol’ T. R. Miller High School!

He represented TRM with class and dignity and since his arrival, we (TRM High) have earned high rankings and have been placed with some of the elite schools in the state. Mr. Snell is TRM ! Even though we are saying Farewell Principal Snell, we also know that once a T. R. Miller Tiger ALWAYS a T. R. Miller Tiger !

– Michael Floyd is a senior at T.R. Miller High School. He serves as a manager for several sports throughout the school.