Commission approves speed limit changes

Published 9:05 pm Tuesday, July 14, 2020

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The County Commission conducted its regular meeting on Monday, July 13.
In new business, a speed limit change was approved for Cooper Cemetery Road. “I received some phone calls out there from a few accidents over the last couple of weeks,” said Commission Scottie Stewart. Next, an unnamed street off of Hume Avenue in Canoe, Alabama was vacated, along with a resolution authorizing a CDBG application.
The fourth item of new business was in regard to the continuity of government in response to the growing concern of the pandemic. As discussed during the workshop, the plan approved by the commission during Monday’s meeting authorizes the chairman, vice chairman and County Clerk-Administrator to make decisions on behalf of the entire commission. This was enacted earlier in the year when the courthouse was closed. Finally, the commission appointed three individuals to the Department of Human Resources board.
In closing remarks, County Administrator Tony Sanks reminded the commissioners of the upcoming election. “We have an election coming on the 14th. The probate office and the sheriff and circuit clerk are doing everything they can to promote social distancing and safety with hand sanitizers and things like that on hand,” said Sanks.
Next, County Engineer Bill Bridges brought to the attention of the board a speed limit change for Appleton Road. “The lady came in about the speed limit on Appleton road at the workshop. I looked into it,” said Bridges.
Listening to his concerns, the commission approved the speed limit change. In conclusion, the agreement stated a 45 mph change from the Conecuh county line to Georgian Lane and from Georgia Lane to the city limits a 40 mph change. The next meeting is scheduled for July 28 at 9 a.m.

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