City receives APCO Gateway Grant

Published 6:00 pm Tuesday, January 9, 2024

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In a somewhat rare event, the City of Brewton was presented with the Alabama Power Gateway Grant during Monday’s meeting of the city council.
Tripp Ward, APCO Community Relations Manager, presented the $2500 check to Brewton Mayor Yank Lovelace during the meeting.
“We are pleased to present the grant funds,” Ward said. “Connie (Baggett) applied for the grant and we are providing the funds to help spruce up paintings at points of entry to the city as well as cover the cost of brochures, shirts, or whatever can be used to promote the city of Brewton.”
Lovelace thanked Ward and Alabama Power for the grant award.
“We appreciate Alabama Power making this money possible,” Lovelace said. “We will certainly use it to promote the city.”
Ward said the grants are somewhat rare in that APCO only awards about 10 of its kind each year.
“The application period for this grant is open twice a year and any municipality can apply,” Ward said. “The Gateway Grant is to be used to promote the city to visitors to the city or for those who are just passing through. The money can be used for sinage, brochures, shirts, really just any kind of promotional item for the city. The funds are made possible through the APCO Foundation.”
In other business, the council:
• approved a wage increase for city employees based on the FY24 budget. City Clerk Brooke Hartin told the council that the funds to pay for the 2.5 percent pay increase is available and per the budget can be made effective for the Jan. 26 payroll.;
• approved a public hearing date to consider a liquor license for The Country Gym Restaurant for Feb. 12;
• appointed Sammy Weaver to the Brewton Tree & Beautification Board (mayoral appointment);
• appointed Andrella Nettles to the Brewton Zone Board (mayoral appointment);
• relayed information for the Martin Luther King Day for Jan. 13 events to include parade line-up at the City Shed at 11 a.m. with the parade at noon to travel down Sowell Road to the John L. Fisher Center on Liles Blvd. for music, entertainment and culmination of the celebration.

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