Najor makes bid for county commission seat 2

Published 6:00 pm Tuesday, February 20, 2024

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Editor’s Note: The primary election date has been set for March 5. Lew Najor is challenging incumbent Raymond Wiggins for the seat as commissioner for District 2 of Escambia County. Both candidates are listed on the Republican ticket.

Lew Najor is seeking the March 5th republican nomination for the district 2 commissioner seat. Citing his construction knowledge in road and drainage work and owning businesses being good skill traits for the job.
“The commission job, or as once called road commissioner, where the primary responsibility is the infrastructure of their district, has lost its grass roots,” Najor said. “I feel the job today has gotten very political. And my goal is to bring back the grass roots of the job and make the politics secondary.
“What I hear from folks on the ground is favoritism for a few. We can’t operate that way when we work for the tax payers.
“I’m gonna work the job physically with engaging constituents in knowing the concerns and what’s important in district 2 first and foremost. And address those issues.
“I’m also in favor with hiring contractors for the road building . I like the idea of having our road crews flexible to work maintenance within our district as much as possible and not tie them down to constructing new road jobs.
“Our crews should be keeping the ditches, along with inlet and outlet structures clean and free of debris so positive drainage can occur. I want our road department to keep the grass maintained and the paper picked up for the aesthetics of our district.”
Lew Najor (54) resides in district 2 and was a 1987 graduate of T.R. Miller. He then attend Jefferson Davis Jr. College before finishing at Auburn university.
He has 30 years of career experience in construction and disaster related jobs. He also owned the second Oaks cafe for 10 years..
“My grandparents owned the original Oaks Cafe and my mother owned Ole Willie’s restaurant downtown Brewton during the 1980s’-2000s,” Najor said. “And I’m very proud to have been apart of as it played a part in history to our community.
“I believe in being accountable and transparent and plan to implement a tool for district 2 residents to be aware of expenditures and ongoing projects in real time. Right now we read about post expenditures in the paper that doesn’t allow input or knowledge of funds used in real time.
“That needs to change.
“I’m not for the use of chemicals or spraying the county right of ways to maintain grass growth. We have the equipment in place to mechanically maintain,” Najor said.
“That needs to change.
Najor said “he feels we’ve lacked wise decision making with road funds.” He said “ an example is the new asphalt road to the county state lake that’s been closed for over two years. Couple of issues here to me “ one , how could we have let the lake close ? “After several attempts trying to operate the lake with retirees and supplementing fish permit fees as their income, just Hasn’t worked.
“Secondly a new paved road to a closed lake. Those road funds could have paved a much more needed road where several residents reside. Instead of a road to a closed lake.
“I have a plan if elected to keep the lake open on our terms and not someone else’s.
“I’m gonna work the job and not just occupy the position.
“And I think now is the time for a change. I’m a believer in term limits. My opponent has served 4 terms , 16 years.
“I think complacency occurs when a public position is occupied more than two terms.
“I plan to bring a new approach and a new vision for the future of district 2.
“I may not know what road is priority in another district but I think it’s my job to know what’s priority in district 2.
“My opponent and I are running on the Republican ticket with no democratic opposition. Therefore our race can be determined on March 5th.
“I humbly ask for you make an attempt and vote on March 5th for a change.”

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