County gets $52,000 for bridge fees
Published 3:30 am Wednesday, November 6, 2002
By By ROBERT BLANKENSHIP – Managing Editor
The Escambia County Commission received good news this week when they learned they would save $52,000 in engineering costs associated with replacing Parker Bridge on County Road 4.
The State Department of Transportation announced this week a verbal commitment for funding that will pay engineering costs that exceeded the original estimated costs. ALDOT Director Paul Bowlin made the announcement.
The actual cost of the $6.5 million project was about $2 million less than the original estimate. However, engineering costs for the county were $52,000 higher than original projections.
The county has already paid $60,000 to the state for its match of the original engineering fees. But, recently the county received a bill from ALDOT for an additional $52,000.
State Representative Seth Hammett informed the commission office this week that the state would pick up the additional charges.
White added that if the money did not come from ALDOT, the county would most likely had borrowed the money or be forced to take funds away from other projects in order to pay the bill.
Construction is underway on Parker Bridge and White said the work is progressing as scheduled.