Carnival offered great opportunity to help seniors

Published 4:14 am Wednesday, November 20, 2002

By Staff
To the editor:
I'm just one of the people who lives in Brewton and my opinion is just one of so many. But, as I read the article "Carnival sponsor looks to set record straight" by Gregory Fleming, I just had to voice my opinion.
I agree with (Fleming) and I'm glad to see him stand up for what is right; not everyone does. When there is a good thing going on anywhere it seems that somebody wants to bad mouth it. I think maybe the person complaining about the carnival was having a bad day.
I can't think of a better place to host a carnival that went to benefit our seniors. After all, if it weren't for seniors, we wouldn't be here. Local seniors need help and if it requires a carnival coming to town than a carnival it should be.
I hope James Gang Amusement will continue to come to Brewton and help our seniors. I think it would be nice if we had more activities such as this to help other people.
Thank you, Mr. Fleming, for standing up for what is right. And, thank you for thinking of our seniors.
Tammy Cardwell

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