Our View
Published 4:43 am Wednesday, November 27, 2002
By Staff
Remember Brewton this shopping season
With Thanksgiving begins the busiest shopping season of the year. This particular season will present an additional challenge for shoppers as it is the shortest possible time period between Thanksgiving and Christmas. As we check off our Christmas lists we should all remember that we will be giving back to ourselves and the entire community by shopping here at home.
Brewton businesses offer a wide variety of merchandise and most gifts can be found right here. By shopping here, you will save yourself time and possibly money. One thing is for sure, by spending your money here, you are providing the city and county with much-needed tax funds to provide the many services that we often take for granted.
When we shop out of town, those same tax dollars help build someone else's schools, parks and roads. In our view, shopping at home offers many advantages over traveling to larger shopping areas like Pensacola and Mobile. By spending here at home we are assuring a brighter new year for us all.