Resident worried about dog bites
Published 1:06 pm Wednesday, April 16, 2003
By By ROBERT BLANKENSHIP – Managing Editor
The East Brewton City Council heard a complaint from a resident regarding a dog bite that she said her son sustained as the result of dogs running loose in her neighborhood.
Georgia Murphy said that her son was bitten by a neighbor's dog about two weeks ago. She said that calls to the East Brewton Police Department were not returned and that officers never responded to the scene.
Murphy said she was concerned because after a dog is known to bite a human, the dog is to be caught and quarantined for a time to assure that it is not carrying rabies or other diseases. She said her calls to the police and to the Escambia County Health Department were being ignored.
She also said that her children can not play in their own backyard because of the dogs.
She also said she was frustrated with local police.
Mayor Terry Clark said that as long as the dogs were in the owner's yard there was nothing that police can do.
Clark also said that because there is not a city dog catcher, that the police officers and Chief Wilson Mallard may not be aware of the 10-day law.
Due to some questions regarding a fence that the dog owner built, Clark advised that the matter may be approaching one more appropriate for civil court.
Clark finished by saying he would look into the matter and see what the city can do to resolve the situation.
Other items discussed by the council included:
He said every county in Alabama is having trouble and that the state is trying to do something to help school systems. But, he said he would appreciate their support.