Our View
Published 5:49 pm Wednesday, May 28, 2003
By Staff
Make reading a part of summer plans
Brewton celebrated Memorial Day along with the rest of the nation on Monday. It was a day to remember those who gave their lives so the rest of us could work, live and raise our children in a free nation. Many celebrated the holiday with their families with a cook-out at home while others visited the final resting place of a loved one.
Many county residents recognized Memorial Day at the Escambia County Courthouse on Monday morning during a memorial service sponsored by the American Legion. The name of each soldier from Escambia County who fought and died for their country was named as the flag waved at half mast. The program concluded with taps.
In our view, the American Legion is performing our community a wonderful service in organizing this Memorial Day event. Through them we are able to come together as neighbors to mourn the loss of loved ones and celebrate the bravery of our local heroes.
While many people travel during the holiday weekend, local residents are encouraged to attend this event in coming years. While Monday's services were well-attended, there was plenty room for others.