Old rockers in concert will be hugely exciting
Published 3:09 pm Monday, August 18, 2003
By By Ed Williams, Columnist
Man oh man oh man oh man! I'm really excited this week, no, let me take that back, I'm hugely excited this week, and for good reason.
Their music is already swirling around in my brain, and I know this doesn't make any sense to y'all yet. I need to tell y'all why I'm excited, but since there's all this great music in my head, I'm just not thinking very clearly right now. Anyway, the reason for my excitement is that I've just purchased two tickets to go up and see Chuck Berry and Little Richard at Chaistain Park in Atlanta!
Chuck Berry and Little Richard, two of the greatest rock 'n' roll icons of all time. Two of my personal all-time favorites. I've listened to their music since I was a tiny little boy, both them and some of the other fifties greats. Y'all think I'm kidding? My mom kept a baby book for my brother and I when we were infants, and the following was noted in mine when I was two…
See? For some reason, I just love the old fifties rockers. Always have and always will. Their music is the ultimate for me, and I've been fortunate enough to have actually seen both Elvis Presley and Jerry Lee Lewis in concert. And now, I get a chance to see Mr. Berry and Mr. Penniman. Man, life is sweeter than a honeysuckle dropped into a fire ant bed these days.
Overall, I guess Chuck Berry is the main reason I'm going. Don't get me wrong – I like Little Richard, love his piano playing, and admire how uninhibited he is when he performs. He also played on a big BTO hit, "Take It Like A Man," which doesn't hurt my opinion of him, either. For me, though, Chuck Berry is the main reason I'm making the drive to Atlanta. Some of his songs are all-time classics – "Johnny B. Goode," "Maybelline" and "No Particular Place to Go," to name a few. There are others I like as well, stuff like "Promised Land," "Roll Over Beethoven" and "Memphis, Tennessee." But, to be honest, I really like the semi-naughty ones he does, stuff like "My Ding-A-Ling" and "Reelin and Rockin."
They appeal to some of my inner demons, and you should always throw them a musical scrap or two when you can.
Now, I may not have mentioned this earlier, but I've purchased two tickets for this concert. My wife is not a big fifties fan, so I'm going to have one extra seat.
I almost decided to run some kind of contest for it through this column, a sort of "Write and Tell Me Why I Should Take You, and The Most Creative Answer Gets To Go" type contest. The only thing is, I might happen get a well-written entry for the ticket from some stunning blonde named Penny or Candi. If that happens, I'm obviously in big trouble if she wins and I try and take her to the contest.
So, I've gotta junk the contest idea, and take my son Will instead. He's spent his whole life listening to my old fifties stuff, he loves music, and I think it'll be cool to take him to see two guys who'll end up being in the history books. So, together to Atlanta he and I will go, and watch some truly legendary performers show us why they're truly legendary performers. I can hardly wait.
Well, in a few days, Will and I will be kicked back at Chaistain Park, rockin' out, and enjoying some great sounds.
My legs will be shakin' and I'll be singing the choruses to most of the songs right along with Little Richard and Chuck Berry. Might even play a little air guitar, too. And, if any of you happen to see me there and wonder why I am actin the way I am, just remember…