Published 3:44 pm Wednesday, August 20, 2003
By Staff
Brewton Area YMCA will be taking registrations through Aug. 30 for Fall Sports; girl's volleyball-grades 4-7, boy's flag football-grades 4-6 and co-ed soccer-grades K-8 .
YMCA is registering for Sept. swimming lessons, Swim Team participants, Youth Strength Training Classes, Weight Watchers, Yoga, Pre-Ballet and Ballet Classes. For more information, call 867-9622.
Aug. 21
W.S. Neal Band Boosters will have a meeting at 6 p.m. in the bandroom. For more information contact Dewayne King at 867-2591.
Aug. 22
W.S. Neal Band Boosters will sponor a Kick-Off Classic Dance following the game for middle and high school students at the old gym. Admission is $5 per person.
Aug. 26
T.R. Miller Quarterback Club will meet at 6 p.m. at th fieldhouse. The Club is now taking orders for stadium chairs.
The Brewton Standard will be happy to publish your Sporting information. To have a sporting announcement placed in the Sports Briefs, bring your information to our offices at 407 St. Nicholas Avenue. Deadline is 5 p.m. Monday for Wednesday's edition and noon on Friday for Sunday's edition. Information can also be faxed to 867-4877.